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August 31, 2009


Hazel Mugford

So excited to come across your site.I have a very large mandala garden set up on Linda Woodrows design as well as Strawyard systems.I grow lettuce for the town and have found than even though our temperatures range from 3 degrees up to 46 degrees I have sweet lettuce all year.I germinate under plastic and the plant out into the open.My beds are exposed and this year I will try the idea of putting plastic over a spare dome to keep the seedlings warm and the starving birds off them.We no longer use the original dome design as we have hurrican winds and have i remember on day one my dome broke in half.We also make domes for people on a very low budget.


Gday Hilary,

Your greens look great. Our circular beds are in progress, so it is good to get some inspiration on how they could end up one day!

I came across another possible use of the dome idea recently, which was to have a second dome which is mostly covered in clear plastic, creating a sort of greenhouse. This can be put over young seedlings to keep them moist, get them started early and protect from birds. I think it's a great idea!

Keep up the good work


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